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Review by CJ Williams
     Ever since the days of Jim Bridger, Kit Carson and Jedidiah Smith there have always been a few trappers who stand out among the rest.  I don't know what it is about trapping, but there are always a few who excel and become the face of the trapping community.  Maybe the days of the famous Mountain Men are gone, but we trappers are still a group that recognizes and looks up to the most talented among us, especially those who support other trappers as a way of life.  One such example is James and Kelly Towbridge of Tonopah, Nevada.
     James goes by the handle "Lone Gunman" on the Wild-About-Trapping forums, where he chronicles his trapping exploits in Western Nevada.  His threads are always the most active as the forum members anticipate his updates on the coyote and bobcat count for the day.  It's about as close as we trappers get to having a prime-time mini-series to follow.

     The business that James and Kelly started naturally grew out of their passion for trapping.  One look at the dozens of photos on their website tells the story of their success.  Trapping with such intensity, there's no doubt the need for supplies was greater than that of the average trapper, and that's when the idea of a trapping supply company was born.  As James puts it on his website, "We decided to open a trap supply store for a simple reason - we got tired of waiting for our supplies or getting the wrong stuff.  I know we all hate to wait so here is my promise to you - we will send your order out the day of, or the day after, your order."

     The problem James describes is one we've all run into.  Ordering something from a big supply company is a process with many stages, each of which can get fouled up and slowed down.  James and Kelly thought to do the trapping community a service by starting a small, personable company that understands trappers.  Folks, this is exactly the kind of business we should use and support.  Trappers are a tight knit community, and the more we support each other the better off we are.

     So, if you've never visited their website check them out at Western-Nevada-Traps.  And, be sure to look for "Lone Gunman" on the Wild-About-Trapping forums.  He makes trapping look so easy that I have still not decided whether his posts are encouraging or frustrating!

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