Tee Time for Coons

by Bill Abrams in New York
I wanted to share a trick I picked up last year that has been putting a lot of coons and some fox on stretchers for me ever since I started using it.  One day I was fishing for salmon to make coon bait in a small stream at a local golf course. I was walking the creek and spotted a large coon working the bank ahead on a sandbar.  He was digging and sniffing around when a golfball landed right next to him!  He ran over and picked it up and tried to eat it!  He bit it several times and played with it until the owner came to find it, but it gave me an idea.
Golf balls look like turtle eggs and everyone knows that coons love them!  So I decided to try them in my arsenal for trapping season. I dig a dirthole in a gravel bar along a river, creek or pond (where turtles like to bury their eggs) and place a couple of balls in the dirthole. I experimented and found that lure helped but I caught a lot of coons without it as well.  So after using them for a year I decided to share this with you guys and hope you can use it.  Golf balls have great eye appeal at a set and it WORKS!  I have also used ping-pong balls with even better success.  You can inject them with lure and give them even more appeal.  Good luck!

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