by Tony Hursman of Alabama
The 3/4 PVC set will take coon, mink and muskrats. It just depends on what bait you use. This set is for water mainly but I have used it on dry ground with decent results. The first pic is a location pic. There is a log cross over with mink and coon droppings along its length, so we know that they are using it to cross the deep end of the creek to the shallow side. There is tons of sign including otter on the banks on both ends of the tree. (All pics can be enlarged by clicking them.)
The next pic shows the tools for the job. I chose the Sleepy Creek number 1 coil trap with double jaws for this set up, and use a 3/4 piece of PVC at the water line.
The next picture show the placement of the pipe. Where the shallow water meets the deeper water the pipe is inserted in the bottom mud at a 45 degree angle with about 4 to 5 inches of the pipe sticking out of the water.
The next step is to place the sleepy creek trap on a drowner and set under the tip of the angled PVC pipe. The drowner will be set in the deep water. Then the pipe is baited with your favorite lure or bait for mink, coon, or muskrat. When he approaches the pipe to get at the bait the trap will be waiting for him. I have taken alot of coon on this set up, a few rats and a decent number of mink. If ya look close you can see the trap below the pipe in the pic.
The next pic shows where you can set up multiple pipe sets along this shallow bank. I always put in at least 2 and sometimes 3 or more depending on sign. Anchor traps for an otter catch because you may catch one and they will pull a shallow set drowner out of the stream for you in a hurry. Its always safer to plan on the biggest critter you may take at each location and set accordingly.
This is a coon catching set up. Be sure and give it a shot because its quick and easy. You can make a lot of these sets in short order. I wish you all the luck with this set up.
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