Probably not, but this Tennessee trapper is a great example to the rest of us. Mr. Richardson recently took the opportunity to give a talk about trapping to his local historical society, and did what he could to dispel the myths generated by the animal rights crowd. If you are a trapper and want to preserve our heritage by helping the general public understand what we do and why we do it, consider getting involved like Mr. Richardson did. Maybe your local Boy Scouts, 4H group, or historical society would welcome a talk by a trapper. The opportunities are there, we just need to look for them. In Mr. Richardson's case the local newspaper even ran a story about his presentation, giving him even more publicity. You can read the article at this link. Here's a short take from the article:
"Do you ever hear from PETA?" asked an audience member, referring to the radical organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. "The National Trappers Association takes care of that," Richardson said. "I think (PETA is) a little bit misguided, but I still try to talk to them and not get too upset. I think I'm helping people. I thin (nuisance) animals for farmers. If you stop all trapping, you can forget farming anything."
Hats off to John Richardson, a good example of a trapper who gets involved for the benefit of trappers everywhere.
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