Trapping Class at 4-H

My kids are involved in the local 4-H group here in Washington County, Pennsylvania.  My wife is usually involved in planning activities, so I floated the idea that she suggest I teach a trapping class.  The idea was very well received and, as it turns out, very popular with the kids.  My first class on Thursday afternoon had 22 eager students with lots of questions!  I think we have some young trappers in the making....

So, just a heads-up to all you trappers out there with a local 4-H group nearby....this can be a great venue for introducing the next generation to trapping.  If you want to get involved in preserving our rights and our heritage as trappers, this is a great place to start.  Teach some kids!

Here's a few pics of me and the class:

1 comment:

  1. Great idea!! We need to introduce and educate the youth of today about trapping. If we won't educate them the other side will.
