Beaver Snares Under Ice

by Tom Sabo in British Columbia

The following illustration of this set is from the B.C. Trapper's manual:

The bait sticks should be fresh aspen, or whatever the primary food source for beaver is in your area. I like to nick them to give the appearance that they have been nibbled at. Additional snares can be added depending on water depth. When setting near feed piles, which is generally the best location, keep several feet away to avoid the snared beaver getting tangled up in the pile. Also, do not attach snares on the dry pole any closer than 20" to the ice. If the snare is too close to the pond surface ice you risk having the beaver freeze into the ice when it is caught after it extends the snare and floats up beneath the ice.  A frozen in beaver involves a lot of work to retrieve.

Rather than attaching snares with staples I prefer, and find it much easier, to attach them to the dry pole with a tie wire connected to my snare.

Good luck in all you trapping ventures.


  1. Isn't there a "safety cable" used with these?

  2. A safety cable is not needed when tying snares to a dry pole.

    1. Has nothing to do with trapping but i want you to know I love you Grandpa.
