Victor 1.75 Offset Trap

review by "Trapping4Life" from Minnesota

Not as many people use offsets versus regular jaw traps. Offset traps have their pros and cons, like most other traps. I will explain both the positives and the negatives. Offset jaws only come in certain brands, styles, and sizes, versus regular jaw traps, which come within a wide variety of sizes. The size of the offset jaw trap I will be focusing on is the Victor 1.75 offset jaw trap. The Victor 1.75 offset jaw trap is my personal favorite trap for a variety of reasons. I use this trap mainly for coyote and fox trapping. I like this trap because it is a relatively small trap compared to what most major coyote trappers use. This means you have to make sure you center the trap correctly since there is a smaller jawspread, which is only around five and three eighths inches, versus a Victor #3 offset jaw trap that many coyote trappers use that has five and thirteeth sixteenth of an inch jawspread. Cost is also a factor involved. Depending on your supplier, a 1.75 Victor offset jaw trap can cost anywere from $12-$12.50, possibly higher or lower for the new trap. A #3 Victor offset jaw trap costs around $15.00.

Offset jaw traps are a very good choice to use in situation such as fields that have running pets. Even if a pet is caught in a 1.75 offset jaw traps, the animal would most likely be able to be released with very little or no pad or foot damage. Some states even require that traps must be an offset or a softcatch trap. Offset jaw traps are made for many reasons, but an important one is that it allows blood to always circulate through the foot, which allows the foot to be felt and not made numb to the animal, which could lead to an animal pulling out and not feeling a thing.

There are cons to most every trap, supply, or most any items throughout the trapping industry and throughout the world. 1.75 Victor offset jaw traps are not as flexible as other traps, say as a regular jaw 1.75 Victor trap. They are a little bit more expensive, and cannot be used as properly in a "pinch". Raccoons are a good example. A raccoon's toes are longer and skinnier than most fox and coyotes feet. Offset jaws are like they sound, they have an offset in the jaws. If a raccoon is toe caught in a 1.75 Victor offset jaw trap the toe may not be much bigger than the offset in the jaw, which can lead to a chew out or a pull out. Raccoons are a common catch on many traplines meant for foxes and coyotes. Raccoons like to investigate, like fox and coyotes do, and will not resist your set using a scent specifically for a fox or coyote. Many trappers use traps improperly, which may increase the chance of catching a raccoon and having him or her pull out. A raccoon that chewed out and left part of its toes/feet in the trap is very bad for the trapping community, especially if the wrong person found out or saw it. Offset jaw traps are a great choice for fox and coyotes, even with the chance of raccoons that are caught on many traplines. If you use the trap correctly, and make sure the trap stays steady in the trap bed, the chance of toe caught raccoons and other fur bearers is greatly reduced.

With that being said, I hope this article encourages you to at least try a 1.75 offset jaw trap to personally experience the benefits and abilities that regular jaw traps do not have. Good luck and happy trapping!


  1. In my opion coming from a medical back ground offsets do not really help much. Blood circulation is cut off caused by presure. No trap is going to close completly with and animals foot in it, there for putting the same amount of presure on the foot.Yes smaller animals will get out of offsets if toe caught.Just my 2 cents.

  2. Thanks for the comment. But, will an offset put less pressure on a foot than a regular trap? Seems like the gap in the jaws would create some advantage in that regard?
